Summer Village of Silver Sands
Mailing Address
Box 8, Alberta Beach, Alberta T0E 0A0
New Office/Courier Location
2317 Township Road 545, Lac Ste. Anne County, AB T0E 1V0
Contact Information
Tax & Assessment Notices
2024 Combined Tax & Assessment Notices have been mailed effective May 17, 2024. Please contact the Summer Village office if you have changed your mailing address recently or if you do not receive your notice. It is the property owner's responsibility to ensure property taxes are paid on time.
2025 Combined Tax & Assessment Notices are scheduled to be mailed on May 16th, 2025.
Senior Fraud Alert
Visit the following website to use this free resource to learn how to identify fraud and protect yourself from it.
Power Outages
Did you know that you can sign up with FortisAlberta for Power Outage Alerts? Power outage alerts will inform you:
-When the power goes out,
-Why the power is out,
-If there is updated restoration information,
-When the power is back on.
Find out more information here
Municipal Accountability Program (MAP) Review
MAP reviews are a multi-year process, ordered by the Minister under section 571 of the MGA.
MAP promotes an environment supportive of accountable, well-managed local governments.
Its purpose is to assist municipalities with their knowledge of mandatory legislated requirements under the MGA, aid municipalities in achieving legislative compliance with the MGA and other legislation under the purview of Municipal Affairs and to provide a collaborative partnership between the ministry and municipalities.
MAP is mandatory for municipalities with populations of 2,500 or less and may be offered to any municipality upon council request, if approved by the Minister.
Silver Sands MAP Review Completion Letter
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