Home Page

​​Summer Village of Silver Sands


Mailing Address

Box 8, Alberta Beach, Alberta  T0E 0A0

New Office/Courier Location

2317 Township Road 545, Lac Ste. Anne County, AB T0E 1V0

Contact Information​​

p: 587-873-5765    f: 780-967-0431

e:  administration@wildwillowenterprises.com


(please check this page regularly as pertinent information will be added as it becomes available)

2025 is an Election year for local municipalities.  Below will provide you with information if you are a voter or if you are interested in running for Council in the 2025 Election. 

Returning Officer

Angela Duncan
phone:  780-967-0271

Please contact the Returning Officer if you have any questions about the Election or Nominations.

Election Dates
Section 12 of the Local Authorities Election Act (the Act) requires Summer Villages to determine a Nomination Day, to occur in June or July of 2025.  If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the number of candidates required, then there is an election 4 weeks after Nomination Day.  The following dates have been set for the Summer Village of Silver Sands Municipal Election:

Nomination Period - Monday, June 23, 2025 to Saturday, June 28, 2025 at 12:00 noon

Nomination Day  - Saturday, June 28, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Advance Vote (if required) - Monday, July 21st, 2025 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the                                                 Fallis Hall 53303 RR 52 Parkland County
Election Day (if required) - Saturday, July 26th, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the                                             Fallis Hall 53303 RR 52 Parkland County

Nomination Information
Nomination packages can be downloaded 
HERE or can be picked up at the Municipal Office located at 2317 Twp 545, Lac Ste. Anne County or you can download the required forms directly from the Municipal Affairs website HERE.

There are a number of forms included in the nomination package, please note that these can not be submitted electronically:
Form 29 Notice of Intent – this is notice that you intend to run in the municipal election. This form can be handed in to the Returning Officer at any time. The latest it can be handed in is when your nomination is filed.
Form 4 Nomination Paper & Candidates Acceptance – this form must be filled out entirely and include the signature of at least 5 eligible electors.
Form 5 Candidate Financial Information – this must be handed in with your nomination papers.
Form 26 Campaign Disclosure Statement & Financial Statement – this form must be handed in, by all candidates, no later than March 1, 2026.

During the Nomination Period and on Nomination Day, nomination packages will be accepted at the Municipal Administration Office located at 2317 Township Road 545 Lac Ste. Anne County, Monday through Thursday, office hours are 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.  Note that if someone other than you is dropping off your paperwork, it must be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths.

Voter Information

​Who can vote in the Summer Village Election?

To vote in the election you must:
-Be at least 18 years old; and
-Be a Canadian citizen; and
-Reside in Alberta, and your place of residence is in the Summer Village on election   day; or
-Be on the certificate of title as the person who owns property within the Summer   Village; or
-Be the spouse or adult interdependent partner of a person who is on the certificate of   title.

Candidate Information

Who can run in the Summer Village Election?

To be a candidate in the election you must:
-Be entitled to vote in the election; and
-Have been a resident in Alberta for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding   election day; and
-Not otherwise be disqualified.

Additional Resources

Running for office and serving your community as an elected official is a rewarding and worthwhile endeavour for both you and your community. However, it can feel overwhelming at times, and it is important to understand what the election process and serving as a Councillor entails. To help with that, below are links to a number of resources to help you in your decision to run and make sure you are ready to go, if you are successful.  In addition to the resources below, the Summer Village is also working on putting together a CANDIDATE INFORMATION SESSION.  Stay tuned to our website for more information on this important session.

-Alberta Municipal Affairs - Local Authorities Elections Act

-Alberta Municipal Affairs - Municipal Government Act

​​-Alberta Municipal Affairs - A Candidate's Guide (2021)

-Alberta Municipal Affairs - Municipal Elections Overview

-Alberta Municipalities - Running for Municipal Office

-Alberta Municipalities - Running for Municipal Office Series

-Silver Sands - Council Code of Conduct Bylaw

-Silver Sands - Council and Council Committee Procedural Bylaw
