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Summer Village of Silver Sands

​​Mailing Address:

Box 8, Alberta Beach, Alberta  T0E 0A0

New Office/Courier Location:
2317 Township Road 545

Lac Ste. Anne County, Alberta  T0E 1V0

​​p: 587-873-5765    f: 780-967-0431

e: administration@wildwillowenterprises.com

w:  www.summervillageofsilversands.com


Feeding Wildlife

Feeding wildlife can do more harm than good and can often lead to serious issues for many species.  Fed wildlife can become dependent on unreliable food sources and suffer nutritionally when given inappropriate foods.  Habituated wild animals are also more susceptible to predators and vehicle collisions, as they lose their fear of people and the associated flight response.  Wild animals who have been fed regularly can also develop food-seeking aggression and can become hostile towards people and pets.  We have especially seen the effects of feeding wildlife on the deer population in Silver Sands over the past year.  We continue to urge residents to only observe the wildlife and not to feed them, the Summer Village recently approved a new bylaw for the feeding of wildlife where fines could be issued to offenders.

Bylaw 344-2024 - Feeding of Wildlife

Wildlife Encounters & Living with Wildlife
Due to the Summer Village's geographics, various wildlife sightings and encounters can occur year round.  Below are some links provided by the Province that can help us to learn how to reduce the risks associated with wildlife in urban settings.

Alberta BearSmart
Cougars & Outdoor Recreation
Human Wildlife Conflict - All Wildlife Listing

The following simple precautions reduce the risks associated with wildlife in urban settings:

*Never feed wildlife. Wildlife feeding on food from people and human-use areas not only prevents wildlife from getting nutrition from natural food sources, it teaches wildlife to associate people with food. This can lead to problematic, even dangerous, situations that may result in human injury and/or wildlife being destroyed.

The Summer Village has a Feeding of Wildlife Bylaw in place where offenders could see fines for offences.

Bylaw 344-2024 - Feeding of Wildlife

*Never approach wildlife. It may be stressful for wildlife when someone enters their territory. Over time, wildlife can become accustomed to people, increasing the risk of negative human-wildlife encounters. Always respect the "personal space" of wildlife to help them stay wild. Also keep in mind that bats, skunks and foxes are carriers of rabies and, if seen acting oddly, must be avoided, even if your intention is to help.

*Keep your dog on a leash. Even well-trained dogs cannot fight their instinct to bark and chase. This can stress wildlife and cause them to dart into traffic or lead to other unsafe situations such as a defensive attack.
Keep your cats indoors. Cats allowed to roam make easy prey for coyotes and foxes. Coyotes and foxes that learn easy prey can be found in a neighbourhood will return to that same area for future meals, creating potential new problems for the community. Keeping cats indoors also helps protect the native songbirds that frequent the city.

*Keep your garbage in a secure container with a lid. Make sure your garbage containers are in good condition. Household waste appeals to wildlife as a source of easy meals.

*Remove food and shelter that attracts wildlife to your property. Clean your yard of all garbage, pet foods, bird seed, fallen fruit and berries that can serve as a food source for wildlife. Potential shelter, such as the spaces under decks, patios and outbuildings, should be closed off with durable wire mesh.

*Drive carefully. Slowing down when driving near parks, river valleys, golf courses and other green spaces lessens the likelihood of collisions with wildlife.

*Teach your children about wildlife. Children should be taught to make safe decisions and respect wildlife by never feeding or approaching wildlife, putting garbage into garbage cans, not running away when they see coyotes or foxes and keeping their pets leashed and supervised.

Government of Alberta (2023). Available at: Human wildlife conflict | Alberta.ca (Accessed: 16 March 2023).